Reclamation and Native Seed Products

With over 60 years experience, DLF Pickseed is a national leader in the distribution of native seeds for reclamation projects. Our experts recommend the best species and varieties available for projects from the grasslands of the prairies, to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, to the frozen tundra of the Arctic. 

DLF Pickseed is instrumental in developing the specifications for many large reclamation projects and carry a wide variety of native seeds for all areas of Canada.

DLF Pickseed's NaturePro ready-made custom blends are designed for every natural region of Canada and the United States to take the guesswork out of reclamation projects. We have the ability to custom blend to your site's specifications, and will ship to anywhere in Canada. 

We have a wide selection of wildflower and forage mixtures for all regions of Canada and the United States. Many of the wildflowers are grown and harvested in Canada, so you can be assured the seed you receive is best suited for your needs. All mixtures are comprised of perennials and annuals for maximum effect.